Do I Need to Test My Home's Humidity Levels Before Installing a New HVAC System in Delray Beach, FL?

Living in Florida means dealing with humidity on a daily basis. Reducing the humidity inside your home is important for your comfort and for the proper functioning of your air conditioning system. Learn how to improve sleep quality with your home's air conditioning

Do I Need to Test My Home's Humidity Levels Before Installing a New HVAC System in Delray Beach, FL?

Living in Florida means dealing with humidity on a daily basis. It's one of those things that you just have to get used to, even if it can be embarrassing at times. But reducing the humidity inside your home is not only important for your comfort, but also for the proper functioning of your air conditioning system. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air, and the ideal level is usually around 40-50%.

If it goes above 50%, the air will feel too humid, and if it falls below 30%, you will feel too dry. Having an HVAC system in Delray Beach, FL that is not properly adjusted can affect your sleep quality. This can be due to loud noises or fluctuating temperatures, but also due to inadequate humidity levels. High humidity can cause microbial growth and congested conditions, while low humidity can cause itchy and dry skin or even a sore throat. To ensure your South Florida HVAC unit is operating at its best, it's essential to replace your air conditioning filters regularly. Additionally, you should set your thermostat fan to automatic, as this will help remove large amounts of moisture from the air.

Clifton Aubin
Clifton Aubin

Evil internet ninja. Infuriatingly humble internet ninja. Typical beer practitioner. Freelance food guru. Amateur tv geek. Unapologetic tv maven.