How Long Does an Air Filter Last in Delray Beach, FL?

Learn how often you should change your air filter in Delray Beach, FL. Find out how regular preventive maintenance can help your air conditioning system last longer.

How Long Does an Air Filter Last in Delray Beach, FL?

Keeping your air conditioning system running efficiently and your home's air clean is essential for a comfortable living. In Delray Beach, FL, experts suggest changing air filters every 30 to 60 days. However, the frequency of filter changes may vary depending on the size of your household and the presence of pets. For single-occupant homes or vacation homes, it is recommended to replace the air filter every six to 12 months.

If you have one pet, the filter change schedule should be increased to every 60 days. For households with multiple occupants or multiple pets, it is best to replace the filter every 20 to 45 days. Regular preventive maintenance is essential for ensuring your air conditioning system lasts as long as possible. With proper care, most systems can last 15-20 years.

Clifton Aubin
Clifton Aubin

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